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Interior Design Shows

Today I will try to write for you in english. Most of the blogs I read are from USA, some from England. But all of them (with one or two exeptions) are written in english. I only had english in school, so if I make any mistakes - feel free to correct me in the Commentsection ;) So, lets start right away! I searched the web for a show/podcast about Interior Design. Here in Germany most of the TV Showsare all about Makeovers. No Problem with that. But they never explain why they are doing what. Its more about showing people in need in gross living circumstances. A lot of tears, dramatic music and so on. Not to mention the time these scenes consume! But today I think I made a Breakthrough! BBC has a show (on Youtube) in 6 Parts - BBC DesignRules . I only watched the first part for now. And I have to say, I really like it. Its really about Design Rules. Not about the taste of one Interior Designer, not only suitable for small, middle or large spaces... Its about the rules of every...

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